segunda-feira, junho 22, 2015

Temperatura no Ramadao 50 graus

E verdade o Ramadão já começou e mais uma vez a temperatura altíssima (nunca me vou habituar a isto, muito é demais). Alem de não podermos comer no Ramadão (sempre podes ir ao wc e comes qualquer coisa, e em casa também não há problema) as temperatura são altíssimas. Vi uma noticia no outro dia a dizer que a temperatura podia atingir 50 graus a sombra e pode chegar aos 70 graus ao sol.. 70 graus?? fogoo realmente esta parte do globo é quente demais...

Temperatures during the holy month of Ramadan will reach as high as 50 degrees Celsius in the shade on some days, according to the National Centre for Metereology and Seismology.
In a report published by Emarat Al Youm Arabic daily newspaper, NCMS said that during these days, the temperature could reach 70 degrees in open areas exposed to direct sunlight and in the desert.
The centre added it measures temperatures with special equipment every 15 minutes to calculate the average temperature.
NCMS said temperatures during this Ramadan will be normal for this time of the year. Temperatures will raise by June 21 with the beginning of summer season in the UAE.

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